
Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Present era is technical era. Technology has given consumer comforts to the people. Technology is very necessary because man is a social animal. Without it life would become dull and boring. It has increased the quality of life. Country cannot develop without technology. Modern technology has increased our social circle. Modern technology has made us more quick and comfortable. Aero plan, car, mobile, Laptop has made our life more easy and colorful. Today people are more ambitious. They want to glide in the air with the help of technology. Moreover technology has helped in communication too. With mobile and computers it has reduced the world into a tiny village. The competition has increased because of technology. No doubt, Modern technology has destroyed the traditional skills and the ways of life. In my point of view, we should use traditional skills but with some limitation. Traditional skills and ways of life make person physically fit and mentally tough. Traditional are just like treasure. Traditional skills have helped us lot. We can’t deny to it. We should be proud of these traditional skills. Finally in conclusion, I would like to state that technology is very important and one cannot survive without technology. Technology raises the economy of country. In order to maintain a proper balance between the technology and traditional skills our government should take some serious steps. Today people don’t want yesterday made materials to be served to them.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 11:23 PM 0 comments


Fashion the way by which we cover our body. It makes us self-confidant. There are different statements of fashion, but actually it is an old wine in new bottle. Fashion makes the personality of person. It gives us a different status in life. It marks his or her personality. There are different ways of fashion but most of the people like to follow modern clothes. Fashion doesn’t mean the way we dress up, but mean a lot, like smoking has become fashion today, drinking, going to clubs, beer bar, or dis clothing has become a part of fashion. Fashion has influenced too much on young generation life. These days young generation likes to follow their favorite actor, actress, and sports personality. To follow their favorite has become a part of fashion. Young generation is more influenced by fashion and its effects. One should always wear clothes, which make him feel proud, smart and comfortable. It should be followed in certain limit.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 10:46 PM 0 comments

Monday, February 19, 2007


Terrorism is now truly a global phenomenon . Attacks across the world have increased rather than decreased. The way terrorists act have also changed . There is no doubt that terrorism has become single greatest threat to everybody life. It is the time to we should devote an entire concentration to understanding this frightening phenomenon. No longer it can be said one man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter. Terrorists are just terrorists cold-blooded killers. In addition to this, terrorists attacks on buses, trams , planes, cinema halls, railways station, airport, any place where people congregate. Naturally a sense of unease and fear pervades many cities in the world. After attacks on America, Ayodhiya, Britain terrorists have declared war on world. Today there is no safe place in this world. terrorists could attack anywhere, anytime. Terrorists strike where that choose with no strategic advantage to be gained. The strike is an expression of anger , a message rather than a mission which the terrorists are willing to die for. Today, as the datelines of datelines of death multiply on the global map, the truth is that death rate is increasing day by day because of terrorists. Now the time has come to be optimistic. Every individual can play a great role of removing terrorism. Firstly , we should remove discrimination , bad thinking towards Muslims. We should remove hate ideology of Muslims. Every city , every country need a massive efforts to hunt down the terrorists network. It may help defeat terrorism on a local scale basis. Few doubt , however, that is a global threat needs global solutions. The real time has come for terrorism to be implemented immediately. We should stand and fight against the terrorism. Terrorism is a biggest challenge in everybody life.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 9:48 PM 0 comments


It is important to note that environmentalism means much more than the clean air and water. Population problem has also to be dealt very seriously. Everyone must understand Earth as a home of man. Most of this biodiversity is found in the tropical trees, which are being destroyed and poorest soils are being turned into wet deserts. Around 2 to 5 percent of the land surface is burnt every years. Three major processes related with environment are global warming , ozone depletion, and toxic accumulation. All these processes can be reversed but extinction of various species cannot be reversed. No species can be brought back by summits and conference. Man must understand that each species is an integral part of the environment system. Removal of any species disturbs the environmental system.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 9:45 PM 0 comments

Politics / Vote Wisely

Politics is the other name of fight and conflicts.Though it is full of name and fame,Yet it is dirty game. Every one here is runing behind tha chair and striving for the nations welfare is rare.It is common saying that wining election is their one and only mission. To achieve this, they will do everything.Even they would ring people's door bells.The list of their promises is very long.But after they win, every thing goes wrong. Words remain words ,which never means. After wining election they are however to be seen for five years.Their only theme is corruption.(Keeping all these things in mind) one should use "Right to Vote" wisely. A resposible government shold be chosen presisely.Only a sincere government can make our country progress. Hence each and everyone's vote is precious. So everyone must vote for the right because this contribution is tremendous.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 9:35 PM 0 comments