
Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Fashion the way by which we cover our body. It makes us self-confidant. There are different statements of fashion, but actually it is an old wine in new bottle. Fashion makes the personality of person. It gives us a different status in life. It marks his or her personality. There are different ways of fashion but most of the people like to follow modern clothes. Fashion doesn’t mean the way we dress up, but mean a lot, like smoking has become fashion today, drinking, going to clubs, beer bar, or dis clothing has become a part of fashion. Fashion has influenced too much on young generation life. These days young generation likes to follow their favorite actor, actress, and sports personality. To follow their favorite has become a part of fashion. Young generation is more influenced by fashion and its effects. One should always wear clothes, which make him feel proud, smart and comfortable. It should be followed in certain limit.
posted by Sandeep Singh at 10:46 PM


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